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Thursday, November 20, 2008

WTF sia.. Lolx

Penned Down @ 11:40 PM

Just a short post.. Had changed my blogskin due to some of the feedback received from the tagboard.. So how was the new design eh??

Can't motivate myself to concentrate in class, it's week 6 already but it seems like I didn't learned anything during this 6 weeks.. Gosh, what the hell am I doing sia.. ITSM modules was really damn boring, my brain just simply can't absorb.. I preferred CS for this sem, it's quite relaxing and the lecturer was quite humorous.. Will rate the lecturer 5/5.. Hhohoho..

Went for Madagascar 2: The Great Escape, the show was better than the previous one as it was more funny.. As usual, the penguins was crappy.. Overall rated it 6/10..

Penned Down @ 2:32 AM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I’m so tired now!!!!!! Didn’t sleep much this few days.. Argh.. 2 more days to the end of FYP, time passed so fast huh.. Having presentation tml but I still haben done my slides (DUNNO SHLD INCLUDE WAD THINGS SIA!!!)

I failed my Napfa bcoz of 2.4 AGAIN!!! But at least I got a bronze this time so that means that I’ve improved..=) But still consider failed coz my cert don’t have the line saying “** is valid for CMPB **”.. In order to get a C for 2.4, u need to run within 11:01 - 11:40.. Crazy lahz, my best record for 2.4 is more than >12:00 lor.. Think I need alot of training in order to run <11:40 ba..

Went to MS to see fireworks on the wkend but we can’t get to see the real fireworks.. We onli manage to see the reflection of it from 1 of the building.. What a unique way of watching fireworks huh.. Lolx..

Penned Down @ 10:40 AM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wth asked him next wk gt presentation anot, he replied that schedule nt confirm. Wth, 2dae wed liao still nt confirm. Damn he's realli pissed mi off. Goin microsoft seminar tml but it wasn't on our own accord. It's compulsory for us to go, sumore is go ther c ppl take award and listen ppl tok.*boring*

*Venus is women, Mars is men, so it's natural for them to hav different thinking.

Penned Down @ 11:43 PM

Monday, June 23, 2008
It’s been a long time since I last blog. Had my IAP few months ago, working as designer but I tink I didn’t learned anytink during IAP.=X My scope was brainstorming of splash screen design, filming & editing of tutorial videos & sum misc stuffs. ZzZzZzZz

And nw, I’m doin FYP & the project title is “Development of a Windows Media FRM Platform to protect and securely deliver content.” The topic is damn chim, sumore I gonna kio ppl sai. Previous students didn’t do their part, end up I gonna for them b4 continue mine. Wth. And my sup damn fuck lahz, asked him for source code then he will sae previous student hav sum in the directory already. Told him tt existing source code can’t works, then he will sae “search online, I believe ther’s a lot” Fuck lahz, I ish search already but dun hav then ask u mah, if hav I ask u for fuck arh.

Send him an email 1+ wks ago for help, waited till 2dae then he get back to mi. Heng I manage to get the encoding source code working, ar bo wait for him I will stuck till gao gao. Came and made a lot of comments, sae my way of doin the encoding cannot. Said a lot of shit, said till the thing lyk veri ez then everything can find frm the net. Blah blah blah. ZzZzZzZ

But everything is quite alrite till nw, can relac relac but after I’ve finish encoding. I will STRESS because DRM source code are hard to find. Even ther is, I tink will b those nt working 1 ba. And I’m quite sure that if I ask my sup, he will sae “can’t be, I believe ther’s a lot or u go library and borrow sum bks” =.=

Penned Down @ 5:36 PM

Sunday, January 27, 2008
It's been super duper freaking long ago since the last post.. Lotsa project/ reports during tis period of time.. Tis sem was so tiring but e time oso passed quite fast huh.. In less than a mth time, 0613 gonna seperate n go diff path le..=( 天底下没有不散之宴席 huh.. Haiz.. I gt into cnet, hope my decision is rite n able to achieve better results ba.. Hope u'll(0613) will do well in wadeva specialise u're in.. Okie?? I will miz u'll 1.. Esp my gay partners!!!!!!!!!!

Cuming wk is common test wk and exam will commence in 3 wks after.. I will b doin my IAP*low paid job* 1st followed by FYP.. Having IAP 1st = no hol, no hol = cannot slack, cannot slack = SIANZ..

Tis yr didn't feel any cny atmosphere, looks quiet to mi.. Reason mayb is mi didn't went shopping for a long time le ba..=X I haben bought my cny clothes oso.. Plan to shop for cny clothing tis cuming wkend..

My mind was in a mess tis few daes, sum tinks kip cuming to my mind.. I can't control my own feeling n emotion.. M i being childish or wad.. Seriously i dunno..
Recently been listenin to lee sheng jie's zui jing.. I noe tt i'm wols coz this song has been out for so long but e song is duper nice lahz..*addicted* Most of his "slow" song is damn emo oso.. Suitable for tis period de mi.. hohoho..

Penned Down @ 1:50 AM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
This few wk bz wif academic works so didn't update blog.. Didn't hav enough slp oso coz nid to clear osm n wpdp projects.. Get fed up easily lahz.. Eye bags oso gao gao..*I nid more sssslpppp* More project n test cumin up..

Mi super blur lahz.. Ytd suppose to format external hdd but mi end up format my D:, all my songs gone~~~~~T.T But heng, pui gt my copy of songs.. Heng arh!!!

Rainbow spotted!!!

Saw tt?? It's LIVERPOOL!!!

Recent zhi lian photo.. hohoho..

It all started wif a *stickman*


Penned Down @ 11:01 PM

Monday, October 29, 2007
Right Brain vs Left Brain

As seen in the Herald Sun -> The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Penned Down @ 7:50 PM

Sunday, October 28, 2007
It's a fine mornin n i'm slppin till song song.. But my bloody fan suddenly went berserk coz 1 of e part loose then it make alot of noise.. Mi kena "chua xing" then mi faster went switch off e fan but off e wrong switch.. Mum & sis saw mi so panic, they rofl..>.<

It's been a long time since i went shoppin alone.. E feelin was lyk so lonely can.. Anyway, went orchard 2 buy bdae gift 4 a frenz.. Orchard damn packed, shop till 8+ jiu went hm..

It's been a long time since i last xercise.. Went 4 bball 2dae, run awhile jiu wanna faint.. Last time plae mani "sets" oso hai hao, no sign of fainting..*haiz* Nid do more xercise le..

After bball, wanna ck noodle but e stove sot sot.. Called folks 4 help n they asked mi 2 whack e gas tank "head".. Whack a few times jiu giv up, scared later mi whack wrongly then gas tank gt leakage jiu jialat.. End up eat cup noodle..*wtf*

Oh ya.. Thanx davis 4 helpin mi 2 ask e class 2 do e poll 4 mi.. Thanx oh..=)

Penned Down @ 3:05 PM

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tis sem timetable realli sux.. 1 wk passed so fast lahz, nw wk 2 liao.. Still nt no idea wad's goin on.. Most of e modules still blur, especially MATHS!!!! More projects n report cumin in..*headache* Sum random pic taken durin tis few wks..

SLA pass

View taken frm office

Sis & mi

Penned Down @ 12:20 AM